The Alt Protein Project at EIT Food
EIT Food
Founded 2022 / Status: Active
The Alt Protein Project at EIT Food’s mission is to build a future-fit food system that produces healthy and sustainable food for all by raising awareness and generating interest in alternative proteins.
EIT Food is the world’s largest and most dynamic food innovation community that creates connections across the food system to stimulate new ideas and innovations. Our chapter is hosted by a pan-European community consisting of seven universities. These include the Autonomous University of Madrid, Lund University, University of Warsaw, University of Reading, University of Turin, University of Hohenheim and Aarhus University.
This diverse range of academic institutions enables us to engage an equally diverse range of students, scientists, staff and other stakeholders. Bringing together the individual strengths of all partners from our network, we will focus on expanding alternative protein research and education opportunities, while building a passionate student society across Europe.