The ETH Zürich Alt Protein Project
ETH Zürich
Rämistrasse 101
Founded 2023 / Status: Active
The ETH Zürich Alt Protein Project’s mission is to build sustainable and effective protein sources as an alternative to conventional animal products. The focus thereby lies on raising awareness for a just protein supply, supporting startup companies and creating research opportunities in the field.
ETH Zürich is considered one of the world’s leading universities in science and technology, particularly with regards to medical research, a field with many translatable opportunities for the alternative protein field (e.g. tissue engineering, regenerative medicine).
ETH Zürich has a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit and is located near many alternative protein startups, including Sallea (scaffolds for cultivated meat), Cultivated Biosciences (plant-based dairy), and Planted (plant-based meat). Our chapter aims to build on that network, in collaboration with other organizations such as the EPFL Alt Protein Project.