The Johns Hopkins Alt Protein Project
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles Street
United States
Founded 2021 / Status: Active
The JHU Alt Protein Project is a group that aims to advance alternative protein technology via education, research, and business. So far, we’ve hosted journal clubs, alumni meet n’ greets, virtual Q&A panels with leaders in the field, and alt fat panels. In addition, we have actively engaged our members in manuscript writing and pro-bono consulting initiatives. In regards to education, we launched an intersession course called “Food of the Future”, JHU’s first academic course devoted to alternative protein education, in January 2021 and continued to run it through the 2022 school year. We are eager to continue creating educational opportunities for students interested in alternative proteins as a career pathway, as well as continue growing awareness of this field to the greater JHU community.

GFI retreat, June 2022

Student involvement fair, Spring 2022

Science education collaboration with BUGSS: Meat Mimicry Leghemoglobin Extraction

Tastee Tape is a clear, edible tape that keeps wraps closed when eating. The four-person design team involves JHU Alt Protein Project’s fabulous Tyler Guarino.
