The Mumbai Smart Protein Project
IIT Bombay & ICT Mumbai
Founded 2023 / Status: Active
The Mumbai Smart Protein Project’s primary goal is to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and ethical food system through the promotion and development of alternative proteins. We believe that alternative proteins have the potential to address many of the environmental, ethical, and health issues associated with conventional animal agriculture. Our core values revolve around sustainability, innovation, and inclusivity. We strive to create a community that is open to all, regardless of one’s background or knowledge level about alternative proteins.
One of our key accomplishments is working on research initiatives aimed at advancing the field of alternative proteins. For instance, we have collaborated with faculty members in our university’s Food Science department to conduct research on the nutritional profile and consumer acceptance of various alternative protein products. ICT Mumbai has ongoing cultivated meat research (projects led by Dr. Ratnesh Jain, Dr. Shalini S Arya, and Dr. Prajakta Dandekar Jain) and a group of ICT Mumbai students also participated in the India Smart Protein Innovation Challenge (ISPIC).
Looking ahead, we are excited to continue expanding our efforts in education, research, and advocacy. We are committed to making a positive impact on our university community and beyond, and we believe that alternative proteins will play a crucial role in shaping the future of food.