Leveling the playing field: A new approach

If the government bans meat and milk terms on labels for plant-based and cell-based products, it should apply the same linguistic approach throughout the supply chain for all foods and beverages.
Sardine tin full of swedish fish

GFI actively opposes label censorship at FDA and in the states. We’ve petitioned for a federal regulation that makes clear that terms like “almond milk” are acceptable on labels and lobbied against bills that would curtail plant-based and cell-based meat producers’ ability to use meat terms on their labels.

But what we care about is fairness. So we’d be open to a compromise.

If the government bans meat and milk terms on labels for plant-based and cell-based products, it must apply the same approach to language throughout the supply chain for all foods and beverages. There’s a lot of updating to do, so we thought we’d kick the process off with a few suggestions:

Thank goodness we’ve cleared that up! It’s just a start, but we feel we’re on our way to a much less overwhelming supermarket experience for consumers across the United States.

Happy First 24 Hours of the Fourth Month in the Gregorian Calendar Day! Here’s to eschewing consumer confusion. 


Jessica almy, j. D.


Jessica Almy, J.D., leads GFI’s Policy team in setting an innovative policy agenda to accelerate progress on alternative proteins. Areas of expertise: regulation, legislation, science and public policy, public health, environmental law, food policy.