Consumers not confused about ingredients used to make plant-based milks

GFI’s new poll shows the courts are right – consumers buying soymilk and almond milk are not confused. They know what they are buying.
Glass of milk next to soybeans

In our recent blog about the FDA and labels for soymilk and almond milk, we cited several court decisions where the judges were incredulous at the idea people were confused as to what they were buying (e.g. “By using the term ‘almond milk,’ even the least sophisticated consumer would know instantly the type of product they are purchasing.” )

The courts are right. GFI’s senior consumer research scientist, Dr. Keri Szejda, recently conducted a pilot study of 159 adults in which we asked participants to identify the primary ingredient used to make different beverages.

We asked consumers:

Please select the primary ingredient used to make [descriptor] milk.

And gave them the following options:

The results were clear:

We’re happy to have this data on the books to back up the judges’ decisions.

Citation: Szejda, K. (2018, July 24). Consumer Perceptions of Ingredient Sources. Retrieved from


Jessica almy, j. D.


Jessica Almy, J.D., leads GFI’s Policy team in setting an innovative policy agenda to accelerate progress on alternative proteins. Areas of expertise: regulation, legislation, science and public policy, public health, environmental law, food policy.