45+Research opportunities
50+Commercial whitespaces
35+Ecosystem support needs

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Opportunity Production platform Value chain segment Technology sector End product focus Relevant actor Maturity level Solution category Topic
Consumer education on the food safety of cultivated meat

Consumer education on the food safety of cultivated meat can positively impact consumer acceptance when sufficient information is provided. Additional research and efforts to increase transparent science communication on the…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Demand Generation End Products Species-agnostic Academics GFI Industry NGO’s Startups Ecosystem Science
Scientist / engineer outreach and education

To expand the technical talent pipeline, various players in the alternative protein field should reach out to scientists and engineers in relevant disciplines (e.g., biotech, biopharma, and food science) to…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based Workforce Species-agnostic Academics Donors GFI Industry NGO’s Policymakers Startups Ecosystem
Life Cycle Assessment for alternative seafood relative to conventional fishing and aquaculture

To date, no robust environmental assessments have been conducted to compare alternative seafood to its conventional counterparts. An open-access, quantitative analysis of the relative environmental impacts of alternative seafood will…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based Demand Generation Distribution Channels End Products Investment Production R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Seafood Academics GFI Industry Research Science
Repurposing and retrofitting facilities for use in alternative protein manufacturing

The manufacturing capacity for rapid and cost-effective scale-up of alternative protein production is a current constraint on the growth of the industry. Repurposing and retrofitting stranded or underutilized assets such…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based Business Services Production Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Bioprocess design End product formulation & manufacturing Species-agnostic Academics Donors GFI Industry NGO’s Policymakers Startups Commercial Ecosystem Policy Research Industry Policy
Facilitating import and export of alternative protein products

Many alternative protein companies are interested in exporting their products or ingredients, and this is matched by interest from businesses in many countries eager to import exciting products. But import/export…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based Business Services Compliance Distribution Channels Species-agnostic Academics GFI Industry NGO’s Policymakers Startups Commercial Ecosystem Policy Industry Policy
Plant-based protein makerspaces

Plant-based protein makerspaces would be publicly available spaces where interested members of the public could learn, experiment, and work collaboratively on projects related to plant-based proteins. They could offer access…

Plant-based icon Plant-Based R&D Workforce Crop development End product formulation & manufacturing Ingredient optimization Species-agnostic Academics Donors GFI Industry NGO’s Startups Ecosystem Research Science
Cultivated meat makerspaces to promote public engagement

Both the cultivated meat industry and interested members of the general public would benefit from the creation of makerspaces focused on cultivated meat. These would be publicly available spaces where…

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Workforce Bioprocess design Cell culture media Cell line development Scaffolding Species-agnostic Academics Donors GFI Industry NGO’s Startups Ecosystem Research Science
Alternative protein high school summer program

There is currently a lack of resources for high school students interested in alternative proteins. Students interested in entering this field would benefit from the creation of summer courses that…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based Workforce Species-agnostic Academics GFI Industry NGO’s Startups Ecosystem Industry Policy Science
Build alternative protein sessions into scientific conferences

Elevating the visibility and credibility of the field at scientific conferences will expand the technical talent pipeline and amplify collaboration and funding efforts.

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based R&D Species-agnostic Academics GFI 2 – Early adoption Ecosystem Industry Science
Building alternative protein programs and majors at universities

To ensure a strong talent pipeline, there is a need to launch robust university programming, ranging from certificate programs to short multi-course modules, centered around alternative protein. Full majors would…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Fermentation icon Fermentation Plant-based icon Plant-Based R&D Workforce Species-agnostic Academics GFI Ecosystem Industry Science

Get involved

If you’d like to fund a research project, work on any of these solutions, share information about related efforts that are already underway, or elevate new ideas for advancing the alternative protein industry, we’d love to hear from you!

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Executive summary

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Futures wheels analysis

Explore our framework for uncovering second-order or third-order consequences and implications of hypothetical future scenarios to support better decision-making in the present.

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Discover key findings from GFI’s premortem analysis of potential threats to the widespread adoption of alternative proteins, including strategies to avoid or mitigate the most pressing risks.