Alternative protein career portal
The organizations driving alternative protein innovation need motivated, creative, and enthusiastic people to join their teams. Learn how to make a career in this exciting field.

Find a job in the alternative protein field
Use this database to find up-to-date listings of available positions in the alternative protein ecosystem, including at GFI’s international affiliates. We also recommend exploring the Tälist and Alt Protein Careers job boards, which highlight a vast array of high-impact opportunities in the field.

Post a role to the careers board
Add alt protein jobs, internships, and fellowship opportunities to our jobs board to maximize visibility for new roles at your organization.

Become an industry partner with the Alt Protein Project
Alternative protein industry professionals can join our directory to establish a presence at key universities and engage with educators and student leaders in the Alt Protein Project.
Career toolkit
Student resource guide
This guide will help you steer through the exciting world of alternative proteins.
Ask GFI: Careers in alt proteins
Join the GFI team every quarter to learn about career opportunities in the alternative protein industry.

Join the talent database
GFI’s talent database is the go-to resource for alternative protein academic researchers, and companies seeking talent as they expand their teams. By adding yourself to the talent database, you grant permission to researchers, startups, and large corporations involved in alternative protein research and commercialization to contact you, if they believe you may be the right fit for a role.
Please note that GFI does not source talent from this database. If you are interested in an opportunity at GFI, check out our careers page and/or fill out our general interest application if you don’t see a role of interest.

cellular agriculture. I immediately started changing my coursework and lining up relevant research internships. I decided to dedicate my life to advance this groundbreaking technology and I have never looked back.”

GFIdeas community
GFIdeas is a community for entrepreneurs, scientists, students, and subject matter experts driving alternative protein innovation. Join GFIdeas to amplify your impact in the global good food ecosystem.
Learn from an international business network as you launch a startup, meet collaborators, and find investment opportunities. Propel scientific innovation, explore the frontier of food technology, and find collaborators who are ready to take on the technical challenges facing the field today.