Key alternative protein policy resources
We’ve put together an informative suite of resources, written by both our Policy team and global partners, to help keep you informed on the latest innovations in alternative proteins, the state of global policy, and the legal and policy solutions that address urgent threats to our food system.

The State of Global Policy on Alternative Proteins
Our annual State of Global Policy Report tracks public investment in alternative proteins and showcases the actions governments took to position themselves as leaders in the field.

Fact sheets
Our fact sheets give you everything you need to know in a bite-sized package and reflect the latest in alternative protein policy thinking. These resources are helpful for a high-level overview of the field or a deeper dive into a particular issue.

Defense Production Act: The Department of Defense should invest in food biomanufacturing to advance national security
As DoD invests $1 billion in biomanufacturing, GFI recommends prioritization of biotechnology-based food production under the Defense Production Act Investments Program.

Farm Bill: Centers of Excellence for Alternative Protein Innovation
The 2023 Farm Bill should recognize and fund at least three Centers of Excellence that focus on alternative proteins.

Farm Bill: Alternative protein R&D within AFRI
Including alternative proteins as a research area within AFRI would ensure funding eligibility and fuel breakthroughs that lead to economic benefits.

Cultivated meat’s regulatory pathway
The FDA has completed its first safety evaluation for cultivated meat. What comes next? Learn more about cultivated meat’s regulatory path to market.

The global health benefits of alternative proteins
Alternative proteins can help prevent the next pandemic by meeting the rising demand for animal products without risking zoonotic disease or antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Alternative proteins for a sustainable, secure, and prosperous future
Alternative proteins create a path to a sustainable, secure, and prosperous future. Policymakers should prioritize investments to improve the quality, affordability, and accessibility of alternative proteins.

An overview of food label censorship
Label censorship, which prohibits the use of meaty terms on alternative protein products, is anti-free market, unconstitutional, and unnecessary.

The First Amendment right to use clear labels on food
Alternative protein producers have a First Amendment right to describe their products in a clear manner consistent with consumer expectations.

The United States should prioritize public investment in alternative proteins
Publicly funded research on alternative proteins will benefit the American economy, food security, and consumers.

Cultivated meat LCA and TEA: Policy recommendations
See key findings from and policy recommendations based on CE Delft’s life cycle assessment and techno-economic assessment of cultivated meat.

White papers
GFI’s featured white papers explore the benefits of alternative proteins in detail, building on the latest research and global developments to make the case for an alternative protein transition. From climate change to food security to America’s place in the world, learn more about how alternative proteins help solve global challenges.

The biodiversity benefits of alternative seafood
This paper explores how plant-based and cultivated seafood could fill the growing supply gap while minimizing impacts on biodiversity.

Climate benefits of accelerating global production of alternative seafood
This white paper explores how plant-based and cultivated seafood could fill the growing seafood supply gap while mitigating climate change.

Alternative proteins are a global food security solution
Amid a global grain shortage and skyrocketing food prices, alternative proteins can make the global food system more efficient and resilient.

Alternative proteins ensure American competitiveness
Plant based foods have gained momentum and notable market share. Read our report explaining why the U.S. should build up a domestic alternative protein industry.

A global protein transition is necessary to keep warming below 1.5°C
Learn why alternative protein innovation is crucial to meeting the Paris Agreement temperature target and how we can accelerate progress.

Partner resources
Alternative proteins are growing in prominence as a solution to global challenges and opportunity for a growing world. These resources from GFI’s partners and allies contain compelling research, modeling, and reporting that position alternative proteins as a priority for policymakers and entrepreneurs.

Protein Innovation Nation Newsletter
Protein Innovation Nation is a monthly newsletter covering local and national updates around public research funding, regulation, legislation, and labeling. Hear the latest on key market updates, new reports, and opportunities at GFI.
Support our work
Our alternative protein research, insights, and advocacy are made possible thanks to our generous, global family of donors. Philanthropic support is vital to our mission. Connect with us today to discuss how you can help fuel this transformative work.